76th GEC Conference: presenting the latest ZARATHUSTRA results

Our team had the opportunity to present our research in person during the 76th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference held at the Michigan League, Ann Arbor, Michigan, where we showcased our work and met fellow researchers.

Mario Merino gave 2 presentations “Oscillations and instabilities in a propulsive magnetic nozzle” and “Simulations of the effect of neutral dynamics in magnetic nozzle expansions“, the latter one involving work from Diego García’s PhD thesis.

Another conference presention included data drom Enrique Bello’s work on “Macroscopic response of a Hall thruster discharge from an axial-radial PIC model

Lastly, we had the chance to visit Ben Jorns and his team at the Plasmadynamics & Electric Propulsion Laboratory at University of Michigan. Ben gave us a tour to their amazing facilities and we discussed about electric propulsion.

Authored by: odriva
Categories: news

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